Saturday, September 26, 2009

Law of Nature

Everything is madeup of atoms and molecules. Microscopically each has its own rules and regulations.They have their laws. We put those in scientific terms and meanings. But I will call it as a behavioral pattern, as if governed by that particle.

In my college days I was going thru fluid dynamics lessons and the topic was flow through orifice plate. Quite interestingly, I could relate the behavior of fluid particle with that of human. The orifice effect can be easily understood if you observe our behavior while coming out of the doodrs of cinema hall after a popular show is over.

Our speed of walking (velocity) is low and pressure on our body is high due to the crowd surrounding. When we move out this, pressure diminishes and our speed increases.

Same for the fluid! Pressure behind orifice and velocity after orifice. Change of form of energy.

So think you are at that place and you will understand the laws of nature easily.

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