Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where to go

Remember Mark Twain's speech in fornt of prisoners!!!

He said" Don't be sad, because you are here, because if you were not here you would have been in some other prison!!!!"

So enjoy!!

Yes. life is like that. If you run behind it , it is like mirage, but if you turn away then life runs behind you!

So make your own path, not the conventional..

Work for passion and not for money and then passion brings money automatically!

Do not get frustrated, because it doesn't achieve anything.

Think of solutions and not problems. It is easy.

And one more thing trust God or whosoever that almighty controller. He is not a fool to keep you alive, there is an intention and that is what you have to look for.

Think of him and then think what you want to achieve. Once you know that you will find these things like money, house , car etc. are NOT what you need. AND then you start living freely and without fear. Once that happens everything belongs to you. If you wish to stop that flow it will not!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Many times I find people saying this is not my field. Most of the times I find it as an excuse to avoide the responsibility. They say I am an engineer and how can I know finance job or I am mechanical engineer and how can I understand electronics etc. etc.....
There was nothing as engineering or medicine or biology at the begining of civilisation. It was all knowledge and logic. Then we started segrageting logic into different branches.
So if you have logic and knowledge then subject does not matter.
I learned my engineering thru the doors of kitchen!! It happened unknowingly till I entered into enginering college.
Then I could find the common logic between rolling mills and rolloing rotis/chapatis. I could see the similarity within frying and heat treatment. I could see the prepareations of modak ( sort of momos) by using molds similar to the founndry techniques and lot more...
Use logic and you will be knowing all subjects.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Law of Nature

Everything is madeup of atoms and molecules. Microscopically each has its own rules and regulations.They have their laws. We put those in scientific terms and meanings. But I will call it as a behavioral pattern, as if governed by that particle.

In my college days I was going thru fluid dynamics lessons and the topic was flow through orifice plate. Quite interestingly, I could relate the behavior of fluid particle with that of human. The orifice effect can be easily understood if you observe our behavior while coming out of the doodrs of cinema hall after a popular show is over.

Our speed of walking (velocity) is low and pressure on our body is high due to the crowd surrounding. When we move out this, pressure diminishes and our speed increases.

Same for the fluid! Pressure behind orifice and velocity after orifice. Change of form of energy.

So think you are at that place and you will understand the laws of nature easily.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


quote -"I am not worried that I am not known, I seek to be worthy to be Known." Socratis
Quite resembling to "Karmanyewadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachan"- BhagwadGeeta
To worry for getting known is like to be behind publicity. So, you are expecting something while you work. To seek to be wrothy means one is not behind any publicity, if he works like that he may get it but he not behind it.
Let us try living Geeta.